Health Tips

   How to Breathe When Running 

Breathing techniques become important when you do exercise, especially if you want to do exercise correctly. Breathing the right way will not only allow you to keep doing the exercise for longer periods of time, but it will actually prevent you from injuring yourself, raising your blood pressure, and even passing out!

When we run, our lungs have to work to pump oxygen through our arteries to the muscles in our legs. This is why our breathing speeds up and gets very shallow. Breathing properly will not only make it easier to run long distances, but can help tackle those hills and run short sprints.

How should you breathe while running?

Breathe Deeply – Don’t focus on inhaling large gulps of air, but breathe deep into your body. You don’t want to breathe just from your lungs, but breathe deep into your diaphragm – like you’d do when singing. You should feel your stomach expand with the breaths rather than your chest. This will help to reduce tension in your shoulders, and will ensure that you get as much air as possible.

Breathe Comfortably — Some people prefer to breathe only through their nose, while others prefer to breathe through their mouths. I prefer to inhale through my nose, and exhale through my mouth. Experts will recommend that you inhale through both your mouth and nose at the same time, and exhale through your mouth.

Breathe Rhythmically – Coordinate your running with your breathing. Inhale every second, third, or fourth step, and exhale that many steps later. It helps me to get in a running rhythm, and makes breathing much easier.

Lifehack: For advanced runners, time your breaths to prevent running stress. Inhale for three foot strikes, and exhale for two. This will reduce the stress placed on one side of your body as you breathe and run. (That stitch in your side is caused by improper breathing, not because you drank too much water.)